Danny Bags – Steady Man, Caucus Delegate, Con Man … Unelected Local 13 employee.

Check out Danny Imbagliazzo’s latest flier dated 8-7-14. (click the hyperlink below)

Danny has not figured out that he is part of the problem, which is probably one of the reasons he is no longer a caucus delegate.

If only they had listened to you Danny, everything would be different. It’s PMA’s and Coast Arbitrator John Kagel’s fault that Health Benefits Officer Jerry Avila and the rest of the ILWU Officials at Local 13 and the International watched your members, and some corrupt medical providers, defraud the ILWU Benefits Plan of over 50 million dollars and did nothing, or participated.

Hard to say what they are talking about at the “secret” negotiations, but it is probably not benefits fraud because of the recent indictment and ongoing  DOL and FBI investigations. PMA has the union right where it wants them as it relates to benefits.

Danny the steady man has not figured out, there is no free lunch.

Danny is trying to sell his “free insurance”, which is so much on the up and up, that the only bank willing to due business with the insurance company is located in the Cayman Islands.  What does that tell you?

All this nonsense is directly related to the secret negotiations being conducted by Big Bob and his side kicks, Leal and Ray.

Danny Imbagliazzo’s 8-7-14 flier


