Bulletin # 06-16
February 16, 2016
It has come to our attention that there is concern from both Class B’s and your Chairman of Stewards that individuals do not understand or are misinformed to their obligation of 70%. Due to the misunderstandings of these guidelines, some Class B registrants have received letters stating they are in violation and must appear in front of the JPLRC. The Membership Committee, the Officers and the Chairman of the Stewards have done their best to keep you informed of all issues, but it is recognized that a better explanation and more information may be needed to assist you.
We would like to extend our hand in offering a Special Voluntary & Informational 70% Class B meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. at ILWU Memorial Hall, 231 W. “C” Street, Wilmington. It will be hosted by the Membership Committee, Officers & your Chairman of the Stewards. It will be all informational and any and all questions can be addressed.
Please understand that it is Voluntary and you will not be obligated to show as part of your terms as a Limited Registered Longshoreman. We are hoping that all issues concerning 70% will be clarified.
Bobby Olvera, Jr. Mondo Porras Victor Hudak
President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer
ILWU Local 13
630 Centre Street,
San Pedro, Ca 90731, USA
Tel: 310.830.1130
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Local Office (310) 830-1130 |
Record Clerk (310) 834-7386 |