ILWU more worried about who is leaking information about negotiations, than they are about the actual negotiations.

The ILWU negotiation team has a leak, or leaks, and they are trying to figure out who it is.

What about Bobby O, who invited the news cameras into the Dispatch Hall and is taking to any press that his new PR guy can get him in front of? No gag order for Bobby?

Last week Bobby was giving his buddy Mayor Garcetti a tour of the docks and shooting his mouth off about a settlement being reached before the SuperBowl.

What about Mike Dimon, who gave an interview with the Daily Breeze? No gag order for him either? Who knows what he said.

Do not forget Local 23 President, Dean mcGrath, who is also giving interviews to TV and newspapers. Another no gag order politician trying to make hay for himself? Who knows what he said.

Last and not least, what about Ray Ortiz and his buddy Peter Friedman back in DC, this guy seems to know everything?

My money is on Bobby O. He is a con man and a politician who is more interested in being the Big Union Boss than dong what is right for his membership.

Can’t wait to hear Bobby’s explanation of how the Greek and Scary Jerry got on the payroll the day they attended Mayor Garcetti’s luncheon.

How about the Union quit worrying about the leaks and do your jobs?

