Did Frank Ponce de Leon promise Local 10 that he and Bobby O Jr. would show them how to refuse to fill skill jobs, if they helped him run unopposed for the Coast Committee?

Based on what is happening in San Francisco/Oakland right now it looks like the rumors about the deals that were cut at the Longshore Division Caucus are true.

Looks like Bobby O and Frank cut some political deals so as to let Frank Ponce run unopposed for the Coast Committee position made available by Ray Ortiz’s stepping down.

Thing is, Frank Ponce de Leon has never won an election where he did not run unopposed.

Local 63 was “threatened” into not against running against Frank.

Did Frank and/or Bobby threaten to turn them into Child Services for child abuse, so their kids could be interviewed, or maybe turn their wives in to their Employer for using company email for their husband, both of which he did to Eric?

Bobby O and Frank had, in hand, the secret crane training and crane guarantee pay agreement for LA/LB signed on February 20, 2015, by PMA’s Jim McKenna and Big Bob. A secret agreement that was signed on the same day as the MOU, but not included as part of the MOU.

Local 23’s Caucus Delegates heard about the secret LA/LB agreement in Hawaii but did not see it until last week, when they read it on this website.

Do you think the other Locals would have ratified an agreement giving all the money to Local 13 crane operators, both steady and hall, and nothing to everyone else?

Do you think that all the other Locals would have ratified an agreement giving 4 new crane simulators to Local 13 for their exclusive use, and nothing for anyone else? 

Do you think that all the other Locals would have ratified an agreement letting just Local 13 do 2nd shift training?

Just so you know, Local 13 has been training on nights for months.

Deception and bluff, and lying to members is what Bobby O and Frank do, and now they have run their con on the rest of the Coast.

Local 10 bought right in to the Bobby O and Frank con, then took it to the next level by refusing to dispatch casuals to tractor jobs unless they have been trained, for “safety” reasons.

Did Local 10 forget that they also represent the casuals that have been driving tractors (aka semi or hustler) for years, most of whom have Class I drivers licenses?

Why isn’t the ILWU trying to get benefits for casuals who work 800 or more hours a year, like other employers who use part-time workers?

All Class A and B registered longshoremen who make at least 800 hours are qualified for full benefits, both medical and contractual, with the exception of some vacation benefits that require 1300 hours.

PMA claims they are confused and are trying to meet with Local 10 to discuss the matter.

The new Arbitration system does not seem to be working the way it was presented. The MOU called for new Arbitrators to be in place 2 weeks after ratification. The PMA and ILWU have agreed to extend that deadline, just like they did last time they agreed to replace the Arbitrators in 2008. That extension lasted 6 years, the entire length of the contract. Are they going to do the same this time?

The fact that PMA would let the Union deny them workers that they have been using for years, and do nothing about it, is mind boggling.

But then that’s what it feels like to be the victim of a con. Eh Bobby? Eh Frank?

Chug, chug, chug…..

