After a recent closed door meeting in the offices of Local 13 President, Bobby O Jr., Random Lengths News Publisher, James Allen, decided to write an editorial attacking “Bias in the Corporate Media” related to coverage of the just concluded contract negotiations, and kicking now former ILWU Arbitrator David Miller, while he is down.
Big Bob decided to put his own member, David Miller, into the center of the negotiations by demanding his removal because he allegedly, “openly engaged in conduct that clearly compromises their impartiality, including the development of close and personal relationships that affect decision-making and the failure to disclose these particular relationships and conflicts of interest.”
Big Bob provided zero (0) evidence to back up his allegations. Zero.
Over the last 2 years Big Bob had several opportunities to have Arbitrator Miller removed, in accordance with the PCLCD for exceeding his authority, but did nothing. He did nothing because the cases involved Union Officials going after one of their members, and he did not want to upset the Union power brokers in Local 13.
During negotiations those same Local 13 Union Officials and power brokers decided to go after member David Miller, and Big Bob jumped in with both feet. Bob went after Miller like a hound dog chasing a squirrel.
Big Bob has refused to explain exactly why he was willing to dismantle the entire ILWU/PMA Arbitration procedure, or specifically what Miller did.
Now Bobby O’s own Media Pitbull has jumped in to kick David after the was removed as part of the settlement. Why?
How do you complain about Corporate Media Bias, then call David Miller a “pro-management, union turncoat” with out a scintilla of evidence to back up your claim?
Seems like biased reporting to me, and another case of Bobby O’s do as I say, not as I do, leadership style.
David Miller is retired. He retired from the ILWU in 2002 when he was appointed Arbitrator. He did not need to. He did it because he did not want to appear biased toward his Union. His analysis, of his awards, shows that in fact he ruled more for the Union than the Employers, not that it is important, but it disproves the Union claim he is pro-management.
Too bad the unbiased Union newspaper did not feel the need to include those facts in their hatchet job.
Congratulations Bobby, you kicked another member while he is down, only this ain’t over by a long shot.
If I were Miller, I would be going to the Caucus to defend my reputation, and set the record straight for the Caucus Delegates who will be deciding whether or not to ratify the Memorandum of Understanding.
Hope he feels the same way, lots of members do.
You are not alone David, and your friends are working to correct this mess.