Local 23 calls NLRB to complain that I posted the NLRB’s Proposed Settlement Agreement.

The guy’s running Local 23 got so upset about my posting the NLRB’s Proposed Settlement Agreement that they called the NLRB and complained.

What, they don’t like that I am shining a light on their bully tactics?

They don’t have any problem denying a member their dispatch rights, and bullying the shit out anyone who even questions them about why they are doing what they are doing.

When the NLRB issues a Proposed Settlement Agreement, it is not a wish list or a negotiable document, it is a thought out well crafted attempt to resolve what they believe is a violation of the ACT.

Local 23 does not like it that I am exposing their bully tactics, and they think they can bully me and my website.

They can’t.

