Mark Williams and Bobby O. rewrite Local 13 Trial Committee Procedures.

Yup, thats right, Bobby O. and Mark Williams have done it again.  This time they used their “what ever I feel like” policy to corrupt the Local 13 Trial Committee Procedures in order to screw “The Greek”.

Yesterday, Bobby and Mark’s hand picked (dog and pony show) Trial Committee, which includes several current Local 13 officers, met for the first time. We are not sure what they did other than run around the office asking for the Trial Committee rules.

Yesterday, Mark Williams and the entire Executive Board also received a letter from a Local 13 member (in good standing, with fines and assessments paid) protesting the way the Trial Committee was hand picked by Mark Williams, in complete violation of the rules.

The procedure requires that the Trial Committee be selected at a membership meeting, by members, in front of the membership, not by a couple of secretaries and Mark Williams in secret.

The sign up sheet had 15 spots for volunteers to sign up for the Trial Committee. Eric was the 15th person to sign the sheet, and when he got up to sign there was no one in line. As soon as Eric signed, 5 more members jumped up and signed up, even though they were told by Mike Hernandez that there were only spots for 15 volunteers.

The procedure for selecting Trial Committee members, when more volunteers sign up than there are spots for, is to conduct an election at the membership meeting where the Trial Committee is being selected, and current elected officials are not permitted to participate, per President Mike Mitre and Local 13’s lawyers.

Bobby O Jr. and Mark Williams are trying to manipulate the Trial Committee by holding a drawing, in secret, in Mark’s office using Local 13 OPEIU office employees Paula Pope and Taylor Agajanian, to select the Trial Committee members, and they are allowing currently elected officials to participate, which they know is not allowed. (Ask Mike Mitre)

The Executive Board needs to hear about this and take immediate action to re-do the Trial Committee selection at the next membership meeting, in front of the membership, in accordance with the agreed to procedures.

If you can’t attend the next Executive Board Meeting, call Mark Williams or Bobby O Jr. and tell them they need to re-do the Trial Committee selection, and this time follow the actual rules. 310 830-1130 ex-131 Tell him hi from me.


