Last night at the September membership meeting, Bobby Odor, Mark “the lying sack of shit” Williams and Mondo “I didn’t do it” Porras, told the membership absolutely nothing about the status of the PCLCD contract negotiations. Not one word about the Health Benefits tentative agreement, or any other topic related to the master contract negotiations continuing in San Francisco.
No surprise that the corrupt leadership would continue their mushroom growing strategy of keeping the membership in the dark, and feeding them shit.
What they did say does not bode well for the future of the Longshore Division of the ILWU, who should consider changing their motto to – “It is better than nothing.”
Bobby, Mark and Mondo told the membership the recently ratified PNW Grain Agreement is a good deal, and they are in the business of keeping jobs and putting members to work.
The lying corrupt leadership can keep talking about how wonderful the Emperor’s new clothes look, while the rest of the world can clearly see that he is naked and afraid.
The degree to which the lying corrupt leadership is keeping everything secret, and the way they are singing the praises of the disastrous give aways contained in the PNW Grain Agreement, does not inspire any confidence that the outcome of the PCLCD negotiations will be different than the outcome of the Grain negotiations.
Time to send the lying corrupt Local 13 leadership a message.
Time to elect New Change leadership, like Eric Aldape, in next weeks election.