Longshoremen should reject Grain deal and keep their Dispatch Hall.

If the tentative agreement announced yesterday in the Pacific Northwest Grain negotiations contains the same language as the EGT agreement, which gives away the ILWU Dispatch Hall, it should be REJECTED.

Longshoremen should tell Big Bob that they are not willing to give away the dispatch halls that they won in the 1934 West Coast strike, for a few grain jobs.

Big Bob gave away the dispatch hall to EGT for about 10 grain jobs, for his home Local.  He gave away the right of the men to select their jobs. A right that was paid for with the lives of those who died on Bloody Thursday, July 5, 1934.

Do not allow Big Bob to give away the dispatch hall for the rest of the Locals that have Grain agreements.

Say no to any tentative agreement that gives away the Dispatch Hall.  It is not worth it, no matter what Big Bob says.

