Bobby and Victor’s plan to kick Eric out of the Union for life started out just like they wanted it to.
Bobby and Victor knew they did not have a quorum when they started the meeting. Just what they wanted.
Bobby and Victor know if only a few members, their followers, show up at a Union meeting they can do what ever they like.
That’s how it works at Local 13, most of the time, but it only takes 1 member to stop them dead in their tracks and thats what happened at last Thursdays lynching.
Dr. Felix Mendoza decided he had had enough and stepped up and called for a quorum.
This is where it gets interesting. For those of you that do not know, according to the Union’s Constitution in order to conduct business at any Union meeting there needs to be a quorum. A quorum is 10% of the Union membership.
10% or less of the Union membership make most of the decisions at Local 13, because rarely do they get enough Union members to show up at a Union meeting unless it is a stop-work meeting.
At last Thursdays Union meeting it was obvious that there was no quorum, but Bobby and Victor went ahead and started the meeting anyway, and they started reading the Complaint that Larry Toledo filed against Eric. Not the decision and recommendation like they are supposed to. They were intent on whipping their crowd up and setting them lose on Eric.
If no one calls for a quorum the meeting can, and most of the time does, continue with less than 10% of the members present.
This is what I call the “tail wagging the dog” management style. It is a very interesting way of doing business and it works as long as the dog allows it to. However, it only takes 1 member to stop it from happening and that is what Dr. Felix did.
Local 13 has about 6,800 members in good standing, according to the recall efforts from about a year ago, so 680 members would constitute a quorum.
It was obvious that there were fewer that 680 members at the meeting, so Bobby and Victor started to try and lower the number by claiming that members who are off injured do not count, and somehow they came up with the magic number of 521.
Even that ploy did not work because they “counted” and could only come up with about 400 members, even though some who were there said the number looked more like 250, and Bobby and Victor had to cancel the meeting for lack of a quorum.
If Dr. Felix had not stepped up, Bobby and Victor were fixing to kick Eric out using 250 or so of their followers, then claim “the membership” decided. Thank you Felix.
If the members of Local 13 do not want to go to meetings they should have at least 1 member call for a quorum at every meeting to stop Bobby and Victor, from wagging the dog.
Next month should be a Stop-Work meeting, because of the elections, which should make Bobby and Victor’s plan to kick Eric out of the Union more difficult, if not impossible.
To be continued……..