Work dodger Victor Hudak took the day off yesterday and today, to campaign at the Dispatch Hall, and decided to put his blue fliers in front of Eddie’s white fliers, and Eric’s orange fliers. Nice move from the man in charge of the elections.
Poor little Victor the work dodger is crying on Facebook about everyone picking on him. What a fucking pussy!
Victor Hudak is the one who paid his father $23,000 to put new windows in the Memorial Hall, while claiming he does not do favors for his friends.
Aside from dodging work and “watching” the secretaries, which Victor says is his job, he has done nothing for the membership unless you are a Dispatcher, or other elected Local 13 Officer.
Victor let Julie Brady check out of her elected Chief Dispatcher job and call her own replacement so she could put herself on the payroll as the DHA, a job paid for 100% by PMA and supposedly picked by PMA. That’s a favor Victor!
Victor also let “Fat” Nacho resign from his Dispatcher job at the same time as Business Agent Andy Kustich resigned to cover up the scam they were running with the BA “finding” “late orders” then turning them over to “Fat” Nacho to fill any way he wanted, as long as one of them went to “Khuzy’s” wife; then the Form 3’s that got used just disappeared. That’s another favor Victor!
Poor little Victor, is a dirty ball washer who has to go.
More to come….