Why did BA Andy “Khuzy” Kustich and Dispatcher “Fat” Nacho both resign at the same time?

Based on what I have heard, this is what happened.

Bobby O Jr. and his boys decided that they wanted to prevent part time BA, “The Greek,” from running for the BA position, so they decided to jam him up using the Trial Committee and some in-lieu-of payments.

They got Mo “The Rat” Medina to roll on “The Greek,” but before they could go after Angelo they had to deal with the other BA, “Khuzy” and get him to stop putting his wife in for the same kind of in-lieu-of payments.

The first time they told Khuzy to stop doing what he was doing, he stopped, but then he started again.

The second time, Bobby and Frank confronted Khuzy with an envelope full of documents related to the in-lieu-of payments he had been giving to his wife. They told him if he did not stop they were going to file Trial Committee charges against him.

It worked, and Khuzy resigned, and so did “Fat” Nacho the Dispatcher.

You see, the in-lieu-of scam only works if you have a Dispatcher in the loop.

Here is how the scam works.

The BA “finds” some jobs that he “talks” the employer into hiring. He then calls the Dispatcher who creates some Form 3s.

The “late order” Form 3s are created by the Dispatcher who fills them any way he wants to, then the Form 3s just vanish, poof.

In Khuzy’s case it seems that the “found” jobs came with instructions to make sure his wife got one of the Form 3s.

After Khuzy stopped the first time, Bobby and his boys made their move on “The Greek,” using Mo “The Rat” Medina to roll on Angelo, and filed a Trial Committee charge of conduct unbecoming against him.

Angelo filed a counter conduct unbecoming charge against Bobby for doing the same thing. Bobby used his influence to get his “body guards” put on the payroll, at PASHA, when he went to the Mayor’s victory luncheon at City Hall. Khuzy changed his story and covered for Bobby, so he got a pass, until he started again. That’s when the second meeting took place and Khuzy resigned.

Because Bobby’s boys (Fat Boy John “Jabba the Hut” Seixas, and Dumb Shit Larry Toledo) controlled the Trial Committee, the charge against Bobby was found to have no merit, and not processed, while Dumb and Dumber found “The Greek” guilty as charged and disqualified him from running for Union Office for 13 years.

Thirteen (13) years is the maximum time a Union member convicted of a felony, in a Court of Law, can be bared from running for elected positions. In a Court of Law, as opposed to the Kangaroo Court run by Bobby and his boys.

We agree with Harry Bridges; when the rank-and-file gets all the information they will do the right thing.

This is not all the information, but it is more than most members have.

Do the right thing: VOTE.

