The loud sucking noise coming from the Ports of LA and LB is the sound made by robots moving cargo on the West Coast’s “fully” automated docks.

Cute article in the JOC about the ILA’s stance against “fully” automated docks. Sounds like work slowdowns and/or work stoppages are about to start, because of the East Coast’s failure to deal with automation on the docks.

The ILA could take a page from the ILWU play book known as the M&M Agreement.

Harry Bridges had the insight to see what mechanization was going to do to the waterfront and negotiated the M&M agreement which was signed October 18, 1960.

Here is the JOC article, it is worth reading.  ILA automation stance signals tough labor talks

The New York Times would rather write about “On the Waterfront” and the alleged mob connections to the ILA, which is kind of interesting but does nothing to shed light on what is going on today.

More bullshit media peddling fear and drama?

There are no mob connections on the West Coast to write about.

The only corruption on the West Coast is the ILWU going after the Union’s premier activist by ordering the Arbitrators to give the man 1 year off-work for a political cartoon.

The flier distributed about the on-the-job “shape-up” being run by Local 94 Walking Boss President, Danny Miranda, and some of his members got Baby Boy Danny so upset he went crying to Big Bob to demand that he do something.

Did Big Bob order his Arbitrators to give the Activist 1 year off-work for the following flier?


Why is it that no “journalists” want to write about the lack of free speech in the ILWU, despite the letter Big Bob wrote to President Obama about supporting civil rights and the Standing Rock protesters?

More do as I say, not as I do Unionism from the ILWU, because PMA had no problem with the cartoon?

I for one can hardly wait for the ILA contract fun and games to start, especially now that Trump is in charge.

More to come….

