Big Baby must be worried about the NLRB’s latest Complaint, he got his buddies at PMA to bring in the lawyers that wear the big underwear.

Here is a copy of 19-CB-190139 and 19-CA-195788 Complaint and Hearing Order, issued by NLRB Region 19.

Check out PMA’s answers to the Consolidated Complaint; PMA answer to complaint 19-CA-195788.

Notice the law firm is from Washington D. C., that’s the firm that hires NLRB Board Members after they leave the Board. Not Board Agents, or Board Attorneys, but Board Members; those are what other lawyers call, the guys that wear the big under wear.

That is a lot of horsepower, for a rather simple case involving a requirement that requires workers to exhaust the grievance procedure of the PCLCD before seeking any other remedy.

Their defense is simple and interesting. The main claim is that the language has been in the Contract for decades and no one has had any problems with it.

That is like claiming that you have been beating your wife for decades, and she has never complained. How do you think that will work with the Judge?

Both the International and Local 19 are acting like the children that they are. Both refused to provide a copy of their answers, as is customary in these cases.

Rob Remar, the International’s longtime attorney made no bones about it. He just flat out left me off the service list. Wonder if Big Baby told him to, or if he decided all on his own?

Here is the copy that was provided by the NLRB; ILWU answer to complaint 19-CB-190139.

Local 19 however, just flat out lied. They claim to have provided me with a copy, but did not send it. Wonder if they decided t do it on their own, or if Local 19 Chief Ball Washer, Rich Austin, told them to?

Here is the copy that was provided by the NLRB; Local 19 answer to complaint 19-CA-190139.

Typical Bart Simpson responses; I didn’t do it, nobody saw me, you can’t prove a thing.

Local 19’s response denying everything will be hard to sell as dumbass Rich Austin put it in writing, in his President’s Report.

I for one am looking forward to the Trial, which has been rescheduled to October 24, 2017.

Want to bet they settle before the Trial starts?

