The Fresh New Start has begun, with the election of Eric #7519 Aldape to Caucus Delegate.
Congratulations to Local 13, and congratulations to Eric Aldape. The fun starts now.
Eric wants to thank the members who supported him, and let you know that next week he will be writing to the Local to request a status report on the negotiations of all the Local’s Port Supplements, and to inform them that he will be sitting in on all future bargaining sessions.
Eric wants the members to know that he plans to make good on his promise to bring Equalization back, and he plans to see that the 22 shift limit for steady men gets put into all the Supplements that have steady man language.
Eric wants the membership to know that he plans to see that all the Local’s Port Supplements are actually voted on by the rank-and-file, not just approved by a voice vote at a union meeting.
Eric also want the membership to know that he will not sit quietly and allow Mark Williams to verbally abuse Executive Board members like he did to Vivian at the last E-Board Meeting.
If you mess with the bull, you are going to get the horns……