Because of the Local 13 Caucus Delegate election results, Big Bob has decided to get involved and appoint an extra Caucus Delegate to represent Local 13 mechanics.
Big Bob refused to get involved in Local 13 elections, and allowed Mondo to run in the re-run, because “he does not want to get involved in Local elections”, but he just appointed a 11th Caucus Delegate when he ordered Ray Benavente to stay in San Francisco after he lost the Caucus Delegate election.
Big Bob’s explanation is that Ray is there to represent the mechanics.
The elected Caucus Delegates represent all the members of Local 13, including the mechanics. The mechanics had the chance to elect who ever they wanted and they did not choose Ray Benavente.
Where does Big Bob get the authority to override the election choices of the Local and appoint one of his buddies to a elected position?
Knock it off Big Bob, and let the Caucus Delegates select their own Mechanics Representative from among the newly elected Caucus Delegates.
If Big Bob wants to hire Ray Benavente as a mechanics expert to help him negotiate the contract that is his decision, but the International should pay their expert and, if they pay him, it does not make him a Caucus Delegate with voting privileges.