Dispatchers – agents or employees of ILWU/PMA?

Agents or employees?

That depends on whether they are coming after you or, you are going after them.

According to documents filed with the NLRB by both the ILWU and PMA, dispatchers are NOT agents of the JPLRC.

They sure act like agents when they call all the shots related to dispatching and when they order people around the dispatch hall.

However, if one of them belly bumps you across the hall and threatens to kick your ass, they are NOT agents of the ILWU and PMA.

Just another example of the; heads I win, tails you lose, management style of the corrupt morons currently in charge of the ILWU and PMA.

Trial is set for 9am in March 20, 2018, at the NLRB.

Come and watch the lawyers for the ILWU and PMA lie like rugs.

I’ll be there, I got subpoenas from both the ILWU and PMA.

