Local 13’s (Bobby’s) decision to only dispatch certified crane drivers, to drive equipment designated as longshore cranes, is hurting the PMA as well as his own hall men.
Granted, there is no contract right now, but the contract dispatch rules and practices are still in effect and according to Section 14.7 of the Agreement, “Competent longshoremen shall be provided for crane work in accordance with Section 9.3.” PCLCD Sections 14.7 – 14.8
According to Section 9.3; “Competent men with adequate experience or training shall be made available for all tools and equipment to be operated by longshoremen.” PCLCD Section 9
The decision to only allow “certified” crane drivers take crane rated jobs not only hurts the PMA, it slams the hall men who are both competent and experienced and denies them the work they have been doing for years.
There is no excuse for refusing to allow hall men to fill the jobs they have always filled. The Union has a obligation to supply longshoremen and members have a right to choose any skilled job they are qualified for.
As regards the 6 for 5, or 6 crane drivers for 5 transtainers, the language that allows that is contained in Section 14.813 and has been part of the PCLCD since the original Crane Supplement from 1962. CLRC #19-62 – Original Crane Supplement – 8-10-62 (See Section 7.13)
The employers have been ordering 2 men per transtainer since at least 1974 according to SC-95-74 10-24-74.
In CLRC #25-79 11-9-79, item 6, the Committee approved the Employer’ request that the Paceco transtainers used my Matson in Los Angeles be designated “longshore cranes” in accordance with Section 14.21 of the PCLCD, and since then the employers have ordered 2 men per transtainer.
However, Section 14.813 has been in the contract since 1962, and according to Coast Arbitrator Sam Kagel, sleeping on your rights does not abrogate them, so the Employers decided to exercise their right to order 6 crane drivers for each 5 transtainers.
I do agree that eventually the employers will probably go back to ordering 2 men per transtainer, but Local 13 really needs to reconsider the decision to only dispatch “certified” crane drivers to crane jobs, it’s hurting the hall men and the Union.