Why did BA Andy “Khuzy” Kustich and Dispatcher “Fat” Nacho both resign at the same time?

Based on what I have heard, this is what happened.

Bobby O Jr. and his boys decided that they wanted to prevent part time BA, “The Greek,” from running for the BA position, so they decided to jam him up using the Trial Committee and some in-lieu-of payments.

They got Mo “The Rat” Medina to roll on “The Greek,” but before they could go after Angelo they had to deal with the other BA, “Khuzy” and get him to stop putting his wife in for the same kind of in-lieu-of payments.

The first time they told Khuzy to stop doing what he was doing, he stopped, but then he started again.

The second time, Bobby and Frank confronted Khuzy with an envelope full of documents related to the in-lieu-of payments he had been giving to his wife. They told him if he did not stop they were going to file Trial Committee charges against him.

It worked, and Khuzy resigned, and so did “Fat” Nacho the Dispatcher.

You see, the in-lieu-of scam only works if you have a Dispatcher in the loop.

Here is how the scam works.

The BA “finds” some jobs that he “talks” the employer into hiring. He then calls the Dispatcher who creates some Form 3s.

The “late order” Form 3s are created by the Dispatcher who fills them any way he wants to, then the Form 3s just vanish, poof.

In Khuzy’s case it seems that the “found” jobs came with instructions to make sure his wife got one of the Form 3s.

After Khuzy stopped the first time, Bobby and his boys made their move on “The Greek,” using Mo “The Rat” Medina to roll on Angelo, and filed a Trial Committee charge of conduct unbecoming against him.

Angelo filed a counter conduct unbecoming charge against Bobby for doing the same thing. Bobby used his influence to get his “body guards” put on the payroll, at PASHA, when he went to the Mayor’s victory luncheon at City Hall. Khuzy changed his story and covered for Bobby, so he got a pass, until he started again. That’s when the second meeting took place and Khuzy resigned.

Because Bobby’s boys (Fat Boy John “Jabba the Hut” Seixas, and Dumb Shit Larry Toledo) controlled the Trial Committee, the charge against Bobby was found to have no merit, and not processed, while Dumb and Dumber found “The Greek” guilty as charged and disqualified him from running for Union Office for 13 years.

Thirteen (13) years is the maximum time a Union member convicted of a felony, in a Court of Law, can be bared from running for elected positions. In a Court of Law, as opposed to the Kangaroo Court run by Bobby and his boys.

We agree with Harry Bridges; when the rank-and-file gets all the information they will do the right thing.

This is not all the information, but it is more than most members have.

Do the right thing: VOTE.



Want to know who the Dirty, Ball Washer, Local 13 Officers are? Here you go.

Work dodger Victor Hudak took the day off yesterday and today, to campaign at the Dispatch Hall, and decided to put his blue fliers in front of Eddie’s white fliers, and Eric’s orange fliers. Nice move from the man in charge of the elections.

Poor little Victor the work dodger is crying on Facebook about everyone picking on him. What a fucking pussy!

Victor Hudak is the one who paid his father $23,000 to put new windows in the Memorial Hall, while claiming he does not do favors for his friends.

Aside from dodging work and “watching” the secretaries, which Victor says is his job, he has done nothing for the membership unless you are a Dispatcher, or other elected Local 13 Officer.

Victor let Julie Brady check out of her elected Chief Dispatcher job and call her own replacement so she could put herself on the payroll as the DHA, a job paid for 100% by PMA and supposedly picked by PMA. That’s a favor Victor!

Victor also let “Fat” Nacho resign from his Dispatcher job at the same time as Business Agent Andy Kustich resigned to cover up the scam they were running with the BA “finding” “late orders” then turning them over to “Fat” Nacho to fill any way he wanted, as long as one of them went to “Khuzy’s” wife; then the Form 3’s that got used just disappeared. That’s another favor Victor!

Poor little Victor, is a dirty ball washer who has to go.

More to come….



Once mighty ILWU Walking Bosses have been reduced to working as scab clerks.

It is happening up and down the West Coast. Clerks jobs are being eliminated and Walking Bosses are doing their work.

The robots are not going to eliminate clerks jobs, they already did that themselves.

Greed and laziness is the cause of this problem, not mechanization.

Clerks allowed the hatch clerks jobs to be filled by casuals for so long that some employers offered to buy them out by paying the other clerks 25% to cover the work, and the Clerks went for it.

In Seattle and LA, SSA has started to require the Walking Bosses to do checking work, and they are agreeing to do it.

What kind of Union men allow the employer to eliminate jobs, then allow management to do the work?

Yes, Walking Bosses are management, and both the Clerks and Longshoremen are allowing them to do clerks work.

Not only are the Walking Bosses allowing their members to do clerks work, they are processing complaints against casual Walking Bosses for clerking errors, and finding them guilty even when they had nothing to do with the missing container.

The NLRB does not recognize the Walking Bosses as a Union, but the PMA and the ILWU do, and they are both using the Bosses to screw with longshoremen working off the Supplemental Bosses Board, now that hours worked count toward getting registered as a Boss.

Greed and laziness killed the Hatch Clerks jobs and the Clerks and Longshoremen sat and did nothing.

This is an example of a self inflicted injury to one, which is an injury to all.

Way to go Local 98 and Local 94, keep up the good work and maybe PMA will give you another big bonus in the contract extension talks.



“Jabba the Hut” Seixus tears down Eric’s fliers, then claims assault.


Big, and I mean really big, John “Jabba the Hut” Seixus decided he had the right to tear down the Walking Boss Shape-up fliers, because he thinks they are offensive.

Jabba made a big scene tearing down the fliers, and wadding them up and throwing them at the dispatchers.

When Eric put his body between Jabba and the fliers, Jabba tried to push him aside using his girth.

Jabba did not know what to do when he could not move Eric aside using his huge belly, so he decided to step back and claim he was assaulted.

Who is going to tell Jabba that he does not have the right to tear down anything, even if he thinks it is offensive.

He can chose not to look at the flier, if he does not like it, but he does not get to tear it down.

Grow up John, and lose some weight.



Harry Bridges was smiling down on his ILWU last night. Eric did NOT get voted out of the Union last night, because the rank-and-file got all the information and did the right thing.

Harry was right. If the rank-and-file gets all the information they will always do the right thing, and that is what happened at last nights’s Local 13 stop-work meeting.

By a 2 to 1 margin the members voted NOT to kick Eric out of the Union for writing his fliers.

Thank you to the lady longshoremen that took the microphone and spoke, both for and against Eric.

It is clear that the membership wants Eric to keep writing his fliers, and they want him to keep questioning the leadership.

Thank you ILWU Local 13 members, for doing the right thing.

Thank you Harry, for showing them how to do it.

An injury to one is an injury to all.

More to come…….



Bobby O Jr. and his crack head buddy, “Two Dogs Humping” Toledo, are about to learn an important lesson in Unionism. The ILWU does not “kick members out” because some stupid fucking moron like Larry does not like a flier.

Time to go back and retake your technical college labor course, Larry.

Or, you could learn a lot by reading the Statement Flier that Eric handed out at the Union Meeting tonight.

Eric - Statement Flier 4-7-16

More to come…..



Eric “The Activist” Aldape got re-elected. Is Bobby going to try and kick Eric out of Local 13 before or after he gets sworn in?

Eric “The Activist” was re-elected to the Grievance Committee and the Executive Board by Local 13’s rank-and-file.

At tomorrow’s stop-work meeting Bobby is going to swear Eric in to his elected positions, however either before of after that, Bobby is going to preside over his crack rat buddies, John “Boy Toy” Seixas and Larry “Two Dogs Humping” Toledo’s Trial Committee decision to have Eric kicked out of the Union, without telling him what it was that he did, exactly.

Check out Eric’s flier. Eric – Dirty House Flier

Eric - Dirty House Flier

More to come….



The “neutral” from “outside the industry” ILWU/PMA Section 13.2 Coast Appeals Officer has been hired. ILWU attorney for the last 30+ years, Larry Schwerin will “begin administering and adjudicating” effective March 2, 2016.

CLRC memo re 13.2 procedure inc new Appeals Officer

Larry is a nice guy, and a really good lawyer, but he is not neutral and he is no outsider.

Larry was representing Local 19 in 1983 when I transferred from PMA San Francisco to PMA Seattle.

In the mid-1990s Larry took over representing Local 23 in Tacoma after longtime ILWU attorney, and son of Local 19 dispatcher Dewy Dugan, Bob Dugan retired.

Here is one of the numerous NLRB settlement postings Larry signed while representing ILWU Local 23.

Local 23 NLRB posting signed by Larry Schwerin


Neutral? I don’t see how. His first inclination is always going to be to protect the ILWU.

From outside the industry? Come on!

This is just the latest in a long line of cons being run by Pinky and The Brain.

Starting in 2008, the ILWU and PMA agreed to modify Section 13.2 and replace the local Arbitrators with a “neutral panel,” but were unable to figure out how to do it for the entire term of the Agreement.

CLRC Section 13.2 History 2008 to 2013

During the 2014 Negotiations, the ILWU and PMA agreed to “appoint the following individual from outside the industry to serve as the Coast Appeals Officer under the Section 13.2 procedures; [name].”

LOU 7-1-14 re 13.2 Coast Appeals Officer agreement

LOU 7-1-14 re 13.2 Coast Appeals Officer agreement 1

The LOU claims the Coast Appeals Officer shall serve at the direction of the CLRC, but we all know that means at the direction of Big Bob, aka “The Brain.”

All Big Bob’s Arbitrators are in place and in Southern California, doing his bidding. Right Mascola?

$55/day bonus pay to dayside steady crane drivers, without assessments, no problem.

Make whole Crane payments of up to $178/day to Hall crane drivers, without assessments, no problem.

Robots are taking over the docks, without assessments, no problem.

Pinky and The Brain’s plan to take over the world, without assessments, no problem because they will both walk away millionaires and leave the unfunded benefits for the rest of you.

More to come.

Chug, chug, chug……



“Crack Rat” voted in for another year as ILWU Local 13 President. What’s next Trump in the White House?

PMA member companies and Southern California politicians must be very happy this morning, King “Crack Rat” Bobby O Jr. is in for another year.

Another year with Bobby O in charge means nothing will happen for another year, and the robot overlords can continue to eliminate longshore jobs with impunity.

Only 2,413 of the nearly 7,000 “Union” members in Local 13 voted. Bobby was elected by 1,204 members.

Congratulations Bobby, and thanks to your little Local 13 crack rat buddies, another year of job security for me.



