Mike Dimon is using his weaponized Section 13.2 grievance procedure to go after The Greek.

Check out the Section 13.2 Complaint filed by E-Board member and caucus delegate Christine Aguirre, after she failed to get her way at 2 Special JPLRC Meetings where the matter was held over.

The completely unqualified PMA Arbitrator seems to be working as directed and has scheduled a Section 13.2 hearing on this nonsense.

Christine did not like something she heard while listening in on a conversation about Union payments to Coast Committeemen.

She injected herself into the conversation and did not like the outcome.

Before filing her Section 13.2 Complaint, with the assistance of Mike Dimon, she complained to the Employer who responded by filing an Employer Complaint against The Greek alleging a Section 17.81, 17.82 violation.

Three days after the conversation, The Greek was called by Luke Hollingsworth and told Local 63 was holding a Special JPLRC to deal with the Employer Complaint.

This is what happens when a Union Official, who thinks they are all that, has a “problem” with a regular member like The Greek.

Christine showed up with 15 witnesses and claimed she was verbally assaulted.

All but 2 of her witnesses did not remember anything and, after listening to everyone involved, the Local 63 JPLRC held the matter over and referred the Employer Complaint to a Tri-Party JPLRC with Local 13.

Seven days later The Greek was called into a Tri-Party JPLRC Meeting along with all of the witnesses, and Luke Hollingsworth, and Ray Familathe.

Mike Dimon and Christine were hanging around at the meeting, but did not come into the room.

After a vigorous discussion The Greek was asked if he would be willing to apologize to Christine in order to settle the matter.

The Greek surprisingly agreed to apologize, if it would resolve the matter, but instead of accepting the apology and agreeing to settle the matter, Mike Dimon held the matter over and had Christine file a Section 13.2 Complaint.

The Greek is now scheduled for a Section 13.2 hearing on August 19th based on Christine’s Complaint, in which she does not claim discrimination.

Mike Dimon has requested all of The Greeks grievance history to use it to prove he is guilty, just like he did with Eric when he got Eric de-registered.

This is very interesting, because Mike is a convicted felon who knows that prior convictions cannot be used to prove guilt, yet he is going to try anyway because it worked with Eric.

When is the membership going to tell Mike Dimon, Luke Hollingsworth, and Ray Familathe to knock off the special treatment for Officers filing Complaints against regular members over inter-union political disputes that have nothing to do with covered work?

Is PMA going to allow Mike Dimon’s and Christine Aguirre’s phony Section 13.2 double jeopardy Complaint to actually get processed?

Is it going to take another lawsuit? Or a Class Action?
