Time for Luke, and Local 13, to learn who controls Section 13.3 Discrimination Claims?

Local 13’s new Labor Relations Representatives, Luke Hollingsworth and Mike Dimon do not seem to understand what their job is, or how the grievance procedure of the PCLCD works.

Time for them to step up and start helping their members, and knock off the “protecting the Union” bullshit.

Someone needs to tell them, they “protect” the Union by “protecting” all the members, not just their friends and family or people they like.

The discussions that took place in Ray’s office related to open Complaints and the new man-for-man transfer procedure, and the Section 13.3 procedure, make it clear that Luke needs to learn who controls Section 13.3 Complaints.

Here is the letter (Eric- letter to JPLRC re Luke letter) sent to the JPLRC in response to Luke’s behavior.

Eric- letter to JPLRC re Luke letter page 1Eric- letter to JPLRC re Luke letter page 2












Time for Luke to pull out the 2014 LOU Application of Section 13 letter and read it.

Section 13.3 Complaints are controlled by the person who files them.

Section 13.3 allows a regular member to challenge Committees that write or apply the contract in a discriminatory manor.

Section 13.3 Complaints are the only complaints that do not belong to the Union, after they get filed.

Regular grievances belong to the Union and they can do what ever they want, within the law, and they pay 1.2 million dollars per year to their lawyers to protect their right to do what ever they want.

Not with Section 13.3 Complaints, which get processed in accordance with Section 17.4 of the PCLCD, where the individual filing the complaint has the right to appeal the decision of the JPLRC to the CLRC, and the right to appeal the decision of the CLRC to the Coast Arbitrator.

Know your rights, and do not take no for an answer, and you too can stand up for yourself when your Local refuses to.

If I was a member of Local 13, I would be going the the next JPLRC Meeting, it is going to be interesting.

More to come……

Chug, chug, chug….



Big Bob begs Coast Arbitrator, John Kagel, to postpone Coast arbitrations until December because he has “new” Coast Committeemen. Boo fucking hoo!

Coast Arbitrator, John Kagel, apparently agreed to Big Bob’s request to postpone any Coast arbitrations until December, due to Bob’s having “new” Coast Committeemen.

What a fucking joke. The “new” Coast Committeemen, Cam Williams and Frank Ponce de Leon, were sworn in, in September, and are on the payroll. Their $200,000/year payrolls.

Did Big Bob threaten to stop paying Kagel, like he is doing to x-Arbitrator David Miller?

Is that why Kirsten Donovan, Frank’s secretary, is lying about receiving letters from members who are asking to have their grievances processed?

Waiting until December is not going to change anything. If Cam and Frank are not ready now, they are not going to be ready in December either.

Come on Bob, what the fuck are you doing?

You are starting to look like you are, who we thought you were.

Mean while PMA’s Jimmy McKenna is acting like the puppy dog that he is, and Bib Bob’s grandchild is getting registered in Tacoma as a mechanic.

What an embarrassment to the entire Industry.

Do your fucking jobs, and process grievances, or quit and let someone else do the job.

Chug, chug, chug……



If you want to transfer out of Local 13, just become an activist.

Local 13’s biggest activist, and all around trouble maker for the Local 13 clique, sent LRC rep Luke Hollingsworth a courtesy copy of a grievance letter sent to Local 23 last week (Local 23 Crane Points 13.3 Complaint-web), wherein he said he was thinking of transferring, and the next day Luke sent him the JPLRC transfer paper work.

Luke even filled out the paperwork, and attached a yellow sticky saying; “just sign, date & return to Local 13.”

JPLRC Transfer paperwork

More to come…….



The new 3 Arbitrator system Big Bob demanded to replace Judge Roy Bean Miller is working, or not working depending on how you look at it.

3 new Arbitrators have replaced Arbitrator David Miller, who was fired by Big Bob because he dared to stand up to him and refused to throw a picket line Arbitration, and they have not heard a single case since being appointed.

Big Bob huffed and puffed and held his breath during the conniption fit he threw when he demanded that David be fired, and Jim McKenna rolled over like a 4 month old puppy at the dog park.

3 new Arbitrators getting paid $12,000/month to sit at home and do nothing, but Big Bob and Jimbo refuse to pay David for the work he did.

What kind of assholes fire a guy, for no good reason, then refuse to pay him?

Great improvement in the grievance procedure, unless you are trying to get a grievance processed.

The LA/LB JPLRC is doing nothing.

Local 13 claims PMA refuses to meet, at the same time they refuse to provide any minutes to show what they are doing.

Section 13.3 complaints are stacking up because the new LRC reps don’t know what they are doing, and neither do the new PMA reps.

It’s like the blind leading the deaf and blind.

Come on guys (and gals), get your shit together and process some grievances.

Chug, chug, chug…..



The tail is wagging the dog in Local 23, or trying to. Not to worry, Eric the dog whisperer is on the case.

At the last Union meeting at Local 23, a couple of the young gun crane operators who think they are all that, with a cherry on top, took the microphone and started talking about how Tacoma needs to keep their production numbers up, and the best way to do that was to promote the home grown pumpers like them ahead of some old slow guys transferring in from other Locals.

Ergo, the new points system giving points for crane hours, only Tacoma crane hours, aka in-port hours, for advancement to the Primary Cane Board.

Local 23 Crane Board Point SystemLocal 23 Crane Board Point System

Problem is, the Points System conflicts d the Union principle of seniority and with Section 1.8 of the rules covering Transfers of Longshoremen and Clerks Between Ports. ILWU:PMA MOU Transfer rules

Today Local 23 got a Section 13.3 complaint filed against them, despite the Local’s secretary telling him he needed a Business Agent or LRC Representative’s signature in order for the grievance to be valid.

Requiring the Business Agent or LRC representative to sign a grievance is just another bullshit hurtle put in the way of anyone trying to file a grievance, designed to allow the Union to bully anyone trying to file a grievance.

Homey don’t play that, and filed his grievance with the JPLRC and gave copies to both Local 23 and PMA.

Local 23 Crane Points 13.3 Complaint-web

Hey Deano, going to do the right thing and explain seniority to your little ones, or do we have to file another NLRB charge?




How do you get $72.16 worth of benefits for 16 cents? Convert 2 hours of benefits to tonnage, then back to dollars, using the magic PMA formula for Make Whole Crane Pay Assessments.

According to the Big Bobby, Little Bobby, and their tool, Big Jimmy McKenna, PMA has converted the 2 hours plus skill differential paid to Hall Crane Drivers, under the Local 13 Crane Training Agreement, into 16 cents of tonnage.

Not everyone buys their smoke and mirrors, or their deception and bluff, regarding the “Make Whole” payments being paid to the Hall Crane Drivers.

Today, one of the Hall Crane Drivers filed a Section 13.3 discrimination complaint against the bullshit equalization formula the Steady Men have put into the contract, and their feeble attempt to buy off the Hall Crane Drivers with Little Bobby’s con job “Make Whole” payments.

Check out the complaint. Eric – Equalization argument-2

Also check out the PMA 2015-16Assessment_Rates and the LA Crane Operator Make Whole Pay Assessment Agreement.

According to the forecast in the assessment Agreement, PMA decided to change the tonnage rate to raise $500,000.

So far this year they have paid about 40 individuals approximately $200, for a total of $8,000.

What happens to the other $492,000 assessed to fund the “Make Whole” payments?

Why not give it to the Steady Men? Right Joey R?

Chug, chug, chug…



Local 23 is trashing the ILWU seniority system for a “points system.”

The handicappers in Local 23 have figured out a way to get around the seniority language in the new man for man transfer procedure contained in the MOU.

Local 23 Crane Board Point System

Local 23 Crane Board Point System

In order to keep a more senior crane driver from LA, who is transferring in to Local 23, from getting ahead of any of the good-old-boys from Local 23, they passed a new points system to negate the “travelers” seniority.

ILWU:PMA MOU Transfer rules

ILWU:PMA MOU Transfer rules

Section 1.8 puts the more senior LA crane driver ahead of someone connected in Local 23, and they are willing to pass a rule just to screw their “brother” from LA.

Solidarity Tacoma style.

Right Dean, Conrad, and Scotty?

The last time Conrad and Scotty passed a rule to mess with a member form LA, the Local ended up with a Unfair Labor Practice charge, which was posted on their website from June through September of this year.

Only in-port crane hours count, because the cranes in LA/LB are completely different? Right.

Which of you geniuses decided only in-port hours count?

What’s going to happen this time?

Can you spell Section 13.3, or NLRB?



Local 13’s new Crane Training Agreement aka the Make Whole Agreement, exposed as a fraud and a con.

This morning 2 Hall Crane Drivers took their first step toward taking back the Dispatch Hall.

Little Bobby’s claim to fame, the “Make Whole” Crane Agreement, has been challenged as being a legitimate Agreement and exposed for the “hip pocket” con that it is.

Read the argument presented by the 2 Hall Crane Drivers who stood up for their rights today.

Crane Training Supplement 13.3 argument

Chug, chug, chug…..



Hall Crane Drivers vs Steady Crane Drivers – Operation Take Back the Hall starts October 8th.

If you have never been to one of Eric’s Section 13.3 hearings, you are missing some fine labor relating.

Come and see for yourself.

Tomorrow morning at 9 AM, at PMA, Eric will be representing 2 Hall Crane Drivers who have claimed Section 13.3 Discrimination violations related to the new “Local 13 Crane Training Agreement” aka the “Make Whole” Agreement.

Two of the “qualified” hall crane drivers are refusing to stand by and do nothing while the steady men, and their steady Union Officers, kick 63 hall men off the Supplemental Crane Board, just so the steady men can can be first up after the Crane Board.

The so called “Local 13 Crane Training Agreement” is another Bobby O Jr. con job, as phony as a 3 dollar bill, and so is Big Bob’s alleged agreement to convert the man-hour assessments to tonnage assessments which he claims will pay the benefits for the crane driver “make whole” payments.

Come and watch as Big Bobby and Little Bobby’s cons are exposed.

Come and check out the power of a Section 13.3 grievance.

An injury to one IS an injury to all.



What would it be like without the ILWU?

Check out this JOC article. Strike hits Santos port | JOC.com

This is what happens without the ILWU.

Workers fired and laid off, willy nilly.

Because of the genius of Harry Bridges creating 1 bargaining unit for the entire West Coast, these kinds of firings and layoffs will never happen in our small Ports, like Port Gamble, or Bellingham, or even Everett.

Thank you Harry.

Chug, chug, chug…..

