What happens after Vivian gets her recall signatures?

Thanks to Bobby Odor playing the tape at the membership meeting, then telling the members that his investigation concluded that Mark was not speaking to Vivian, and Mark Williams taking the mic right after Bobby and telling the membership he was talking to Vivian then claiming everything he said and did is ok because he is passionate; members have been signing her recall petition at an incredible rate.

It looks like Vivian will have her 20% in short order.

According to the Union Constitution 20% of the members “in good standing” need to sign a recall petition in order to trigger a recall election. Who counts the signatures and which signatures count is where, the real magic starts.

If you are considering signing Vivian’s petition, but have not, you need to before she submits her signatures.

Mark Williams and his crew created a new definition of “in good standing”, just for recall counts.

In order to vote a member “in good standing”  just needs to have their dues paid up, but in order to sign a recall petition a member “in good standing” has to have their dues, fines, and assessments paid up.

As you can see from the letter Mark sent to Will Lundy, 231 members who signed did not get counted due to the new definition created just for recall petitions.  Will Lundy – Recall denial letter 3-5-14

Vivian needs to get as many signatures as possible, then see that the recall signature count is witnessed by a couple of honest members she picks, because she can’t trust the lying, deceiving, corrupt Officers currently running Local 13.

Hopefully Vivian will get enough signatures to trigger a recall election.



Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, what were you thinking? – Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Last night, at the Local 13 Union meeting, Bobby O Jr., (aka Bobby Odor, because everything he touches stinks of corruption), jumped out of the frying pan right into the fire, when he lied about what he claims he was told about what happened at last Thursday’s Executive Board meeting.

Right after Bobby told the membership that he was not at the meeting, he claimed that he listened to the tape and talked to several (unnamed) Executive Board members and he determined that Mark Williams was not directing his tirade toward Vivian, that he was directing his tirade toward the entire Executive Board, and that the members he talked to did not see any sexual gestures.

Unnamed witnesses seem to be popular with corrupt Local 13 Presidents who are also pathological liar’s.

Chris Viramontes used unnamed witnesses to get a TRO against Eric, then withdrew his petition rather than produce his alleged evidence, which included the video tape at the Local and the names of his unnamed witnesses.

Bobby O does not need to name his witnesses because, right after he was done telling his “story”, Mark got up and told everyone that he was indeed talking to Vivian and then tried to justify his behavior by claiming to be passionate when expressing himself. Interestingly, Mark did not deny making the jerking off gesture while he was talking to Vivian, he seems to think that claiming to be passionate excuses his sexually discriminatory behavior. He is wrong.

Bobby Odor, and his idiot buddy Mark Williams, also seem to think that behavior at “Union meetings” is not covered by the laws of the land, that what happens is secret, only covered by the Union’s Constitution and Bylaws, and “not relevant to a government agency or a court”. They are wrong.

Winning with deception and bluff only works when people sit silently and do nothing.

Vivian is not going to sit silently and do nothing, she is going to complain loudly, within the Union, first.

Thank you Vivian, you are not alone.

Thank you for doing what needs to be done.

Thank you for those who could not do it for themselves.

Thank you for keeping the spirit of Harry Bridges alive.

Thank you.



Hard to believe, but Local 13 played Vivian’s tape at last night’s Union meeting.

Bobby O and his crew played the tape of Mark Williams’ outrageous verbal assault against Vivian at last Thursday’s Executive Board meeting, then tried to say Mark was not talking to Vivian. He was just venting at no one in particular.

Right, if you believe that you probably believe that Chris invited Eric to go across the street into the alley to talk, because he did not want to upset the members by letting Eric yell at him inside the Local.

To date, Bobby O Jr. and his crew, have refused to play the video from July 3, 2013, which shows that Chris was lying like a rug about what happened in the Local that day.

Bobby O Jr. is trying a different tactic with Vivian. Play the tape then try and convince the members that they did not hear what they heard.

More pathetic posturing by the lying corrupt Local 13 Officers, who are more interested in protecting each other than doing the right thing.

Local 13 should be less concerned about how I get my information, and more concerned about what unelected non-official Chris Viramontes is doing negotiating Local 13 supplements.

On a more positive note, Eric Aldape was sworn in as Caucus Delegate and Vivian got around 600 signatures on her petition to recall Mark Williams.

It’s a brand new day, and the honest members of Local 13 have started to take their Local back.




If you like Jerry Springer’s Show, then you are going love tonight’s Local 13 Union meeting.

You are going to want to see Bobby O Jr.’s response to Vivian’s complaint, against Mark Williams, related to the vicious sexual harassment that Mark directed at her during last Thursday’s Executive Board meeting.

Apparently not one of the Executive Board members who were still attending the meeting, did or said anything to Mark after his verbal assault against Vivian, which included his standing up and jerking off while asking her if that was what she thought he did all day.

If you want all the details, and are interested in watching Bobby O Jr. lie like a rug and try and cover for his buddy, fellow officer Mark Williams, then you will have to attend the Union meeting tonight, because it is a violation the oath to discuss what happens Union meetings.

Get there early and wear your hardhat, chairs may be flying.



ILWU so ashamed of PNW Grain Agreement they refuse to discuss it.

The ILWU is so ashamed of their new PNW Grain Agreement, they refuse to discuss it and were said to be very upset that the press talked to me.

Looks like everything about their fancy new labor agreement is secret.

The Union spokesperson said I was “misinterpreting the contract, making a mountain out of a molehill, etc., because grain handlers have long used steady employees.”

Yes the Grain Companies have long used steady men, but the new Grain Agreement Sections 12.1 and 12.2 takes the dispatch hall out of the process and allows the Employer to reach out to any longshoreman, regardless or seniority, and offer them steady employment without posting any order with the hall. Taking the hall out of the process is significant. The shapeup is back for the first time since it was eliminated by the strike in 1934. Did they think we would forget why the ILWU was formed in the first place?

When questioned by the reporter, the ILWU spokesman issued the following statement: “The union doesn’t choose any steady men anywhere and never has.”

Smoke and mirrors, lies and deception, more answers that don’t answer, all part of the secret society of the ILWU.

The ILWU is so proud of their new Grain contract that they refuse to respond to the reporters request to compare the previous contract with the new one.

Shame on you Leal and Roger, you sold out the hall.

Tentative Grain Handlers Agreement 8-11-14



Big Bob refuses to get involved in Local elections, unless it involves mechanics.

Because of the Local 13 Caucus Delegate election results, Big Bob has decided to get involved and appoint an extra Caucus Delegate to represent Local 13 mechanics.

Big Bob refused to get involved in Local 13 elections, and allowed Mondo to run in the re-run, because “he does not want to get involved in Local elections”, but he just appointed a 11th Caucus Delegate when he ordered Ray Benavente to stay in San Francisco after he lost the Caucus Delegate election.

Big Bob’s explanation is that Ray is there to represent the mechanics.

The elected Caucus Delegates represent all the members of Local 13, including the mechanics. The mechanics had the chance to elect who ever they wanted and they did not choose Ray Benavente.

Where does Big Bob get the authority to override the election choices of the Local and appoint one of his buddies to a elected position?

Knock it off Big Bob, and let the Caucus Delegates select their own Mechanics Representative from among the newly elected Caucus Delegates.

If Big Bob wants to hire Ray Benavente as a mechanics expert to help him negotiate the contract that is his decision, but the International should pay their expert and, if they pay him, it does not make him a Caucus Delegate with voting privileges.



Mark Williams broke the Zero tolerance rule.

Seems like Mark Williams did not like being questioned about the lack of use of the Local’s email blast to inform members about the dock fire last week.

He does not understand that the membership could and would forgive him for leaving work early to join some friends at a local sports bar to watch Monday Night Football. All he needed to do was say he screwed up, and the membership would forgive him, after all, we all make mistakes and longshoremen are some of the most forgiving people in the world.

Because of the lack of leadership in the local to teach Mark the proper way to manage a situation, he fell back on what he has learned from watching former leaders like Chris Viramontes and David Arian and, he resorted to abusing the person asking the question, just for asking the question.

Mark does not understand that while normal abusive behavior is accepted on the waterfront, our society has Zero tolerance for abusive sexual harassment. Mark’s behavior toward Vivian would have resulted in immediate termination in any other industry.

Bobby O Jr. was informed about what happened at the meeting, and instead of doing the right thing and immediately removing Mark from Office, he asked to have until Wednesday to respond to Vivian’s grievance.

Bobby O Jr. has until Wednesday to do the right thing, if not the matter will take on a life of it’s own and move to Big Bob’s desk in San Francisco.



Has Mark Williams lost his mind?

What was Mark Williams thinking last week at the Local 13 Executive Board meeting when he lashed out at Vivian with a venomous personal attack including insulting sexual gestures and foul and abusive language?

Mark Williams seems to be feeling the pressure of several Federal investigations, including his false LM-2 reporting, and decided to take it out on Vivian, because he thinks he can do anything he wants at a union meeting. He is wrong.

That my friends is the heart of the problem.

Local 13 officers, including Bobby O Jr., think they can do anything they want at a union meeting, because of the oath of secrecy that all members take.

Local 13 officers and their puppet Arbitrator, “Judge Roy Bean” Miller have tried to squash any person who dared to challenge them or their rules, just like they tried to squash Eric.

Well it did not work with Eric and it will not work with Vivian, because they punch back.

Mark Williams refuses to allow Eric into the union offices to protect the office workers, then attacks Vivian in the union offices.

Mark Williams has lost his mind, and has to go.



Congratulations Eric #7519 Aldape – Local 13 Caucus Delegate.

The Fresh New Start has begun, with the election of Eric #7519 Aldape to Caucus Delegate.

Congratulations to Local 13, and congratulations to Eric Aldape. The fun starts now.

Eric wants to thank the members who supported him, and let you know that next week he will be writing to the Local to request a status report on the negotiations of all the Local’s Port Supplements, and to inform them that he will be sitting in on all future bargaining sessions.

Eric wants the members to know that he plans to make good on his promise to bring Equalization back, and he plans to see that the 22 shift limit for steady men gets put into all the Supplements that have steady man language.

Eric wants the membership to know that he plans to see that all the Local’s Port Supplements are actually voted on by the rank-and-file, not just approved by a voice vote at a union meeting.

Eric also want the membership to know that he will not sit quietly and allow Mark Williams to verbally abuse Executive Board members like he did to Vivian at the last E-Board Meeting.

If you mess with the bull, you are going to get the horns……



Local 13 Fall 2014 Run-Off Results

Congratulations Local 13 for electing Eric Aldape to Caucus Delegate, you will not be disappointed.

On the other hand, what were you thinking putting the rule breaker back in for 6 more months of doing nothing? Too bad, so sad.

Local 13 Fall 2014 Run-Off Results-cd      Local 13 Fall 2014 Run-Off Results-vp

In the words of the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, “It’s a brand new day, so let a man come in and do the popcorn.” Go Eric.

