It is official: Julie Brady has been appointed Chief Dispatcher and DHA; whenever she feels like it.

It seems that Victor Hudak and Julie Brady don’t care that Bobby O Jr. made a ruling that Julie, elected Chief Dispatcher, is not eligible to work as the DHA.

Bobby made a big deal about Julie checking out of her Chief Dispatcher job, told her to knock it off and told Victor to do his job; that Julie she was elected as Chief Dispatcher and she is not allowed to take any other job.

Last week, after Bobby’s ruling, Julie checked out of her Chief Dispatcher job and put herself in as DHA for 2 days.

According to Victor, Julie is the only one “trained” to do the DHA job, which is funny because the DHA job is a PMA pick, non-elected, 100% paid by PMA, Dispatch Hall job.

Right, Julie got the same training as all the previous DHAs.

Zero, nada, none, that’s the training Julie got.

Victor and Julie are both doing whatever they feel like; as usual.

Solidarity Local 13 style.

Oh, and do not say anything negative, or question their decisions, or ask to see anything in writing: that is anti-union.

Bobby, Mondo, Victor and Julie are turning the ILWU into a joke.

Who is running the show?

Julie dispatching

Not the rank and file; an interpretation was made at the last Union meeting, directing Julie to knock it off.

Victor told the E-Board that a complaint had been filed, but he went right back to doing what he was doing; because he knows that the complaint won’t be processed by Luke and Mondo.

What are Luke, Mike, and Mondo doing with all the discrimination complaints, including the one against Julie?

Chug, chug, chug…..



If you thought Representative Janice Hahn was sucking up to the ILWU because she wanted their votes, you would be wrong.

Janice Hahn sure looks chummy with the ILWU, having her picture taken in the Local 13 Dispatch Hall surrounded by her new Union buddies.

Janice Hahn at Local 13 Dispatch Hall

If you think Janice was there to get votes, you would be wrong, she was there to get her kid a job as a longshoreman, and she did.

Janice’s son just got hired as a longshore mechanic at the new “robot” dock at Long Beach Terminal.

Janice’s son had no certifications, none, but he has a friend in ILWU Local 13 President, Bobby Olvera Jr., who knows all about how to use your last name to get ahead on the waterfront.

What did Janice do for the ILWU to get Bobby O Jr. to get her son hired at a PMA company as a longshore mechanic?

What did Bobby O Jr. get for helping her son, who has zero certificates, get hired as a longshore mechanic?

Janice’s son is in good company.

Mondo Porras, and Big Bob also got their kid and grandchild hired a longshore mechanics, using the little known back door into the ILWU.

Just proves again; it is who you know, not what you know, that gets you ahead in life.

Chug, chug, chug….



Roger “The Dodger” Boespflug, Local 23 Labor Relations Representative, has taken Union brotherhood and representation to a new low.

In the Port of Tacoma, just getting a Union Complaint form requires telling the Local 23 Secretary why you want one.

Why in the world should any member have to explain to a secretary, the reason they want a Complaint form?

It is probably because they have a complaint, which is none of her business.

When the member does get a complaint form, and sends it to the JPLRC, this is the response they get form Local 23 Labor Relations Committee Representative, Roger “The Dodger” Boespflug.

Local 23 response

Local 23 response

Does Roger really think only members of Local 23 have the right to file a complaint against Local 23?

Does Roger really think a rule has to be used before it can be challenged?

Did Roger really think that the “guy from Local 13” was not going to file a complaint, when Local 23 passed a rule that takes away his seniority, along with everyone else; because they have not driven cranes in the Port of Tacoma?

Did Roger forget about the NLRB posting that was just in Local 23’s Dispatch Hall related to their Internet Posting Rule, which was ruled a violation even though no one was ever “harmed”, and the rule banning members on no-dispatch from working at the SIM yard?

Why is Roger writing all this before the JPLRC has even determined if the 13.3 Complaint is “properly brought”?

They call this Union Representation in Local 23.

With representatives like that, who needs enemies?

Congratulations Roger, you have taken Union Representation to a new low.



Bobby O Jr’s “make whole” con is starting to fall apart according to Local 13 Bulletin #43-15.

Bobby O Jr. has started to address the problems created by his Hall Crane Driver “make whole” con.

Check out Local 13 Bulletin #43-15.

Bobby, if you want your members to add hours, for dispatch purposes, you need to get hours put onto pay check stubs.

Instead of telling your members to add hours they are not getting credit for, how about telling PMA to report the hours on the pay checks they issue.

Bobby, did you really think you could get away without paying the assessments on the 2 hours of “make whole” payments to the Hall Crane Drivers?

Did you think you could get away with it, because for the last 15 years the Employers have been paying $55 per day to the day side steady men, without reporting any hours, or paying any assessments?

Helping the Employers steal over 130 million dollars from your members benefits funding is not enough, you want to pile more on with your “make whole” con?

Yeah, that’s right, over $130 million that you helped steal. The same $130 million that Eric is demanding be made whole, in the 13.3 complaint just filed regarding the $55 bonus payments.

Bobby, what are you going to do when your members refuse to add hours that they are not getting on their pay check stubs?

Are you going to have Mike Dimon file chiseling charges against them and fine them thousands of dollars?

Bobby, all you are doing is proving that Eric was right. Your con is having an adverse impact on dispatching.

Nice try, now what?



Bobby O Jr.’s bet that Hall men are as greedy as the Steady men backfired, and resulted in discrimination and fraud charges, because of one Hall man.

All the Hall men, and the night side steady men, stand to gain because of one Hall man who filed the following Section 13.3 grievance;

The Employers have been gimmicking the pay given to steady men for years by paying the dayside steady men $55 per day, under the table, thereby discriminating against me, and the rest of the hall men.

I requested documentation showing that the assessments were paid on the $55 bonus payments, and based on the response I received on October 31, 2015, from Victor Hudak, Local 13 Secretary/Treasurer, the Union is trying to cover up the fraud.

On November 2, 2015, Joint Records Clerk, Ray Pearson, told me that 1097 is the pay code used for paying the $55 bonus payments, and that no hours are being reported.

The $55 bonus payments are being paid the same way the Crane Training Agreement “make whole” payments are being paid.

Attached is a copy of my paycheck showing the “make whole” crane pay of $191.04 for May 25, 2015, was paid using occupation code 1184, with zero hours reported.

The under the table $55 bonus payments constitute discriminatory application of a contractual rule, based on the steady men’s activity for or against the union, or lack thereof.

Section 13.3 of the PCLCD states:

“Grievances and complaints alleging that a contractual provision or rule is discriminatory as written or as applied, … are to be filed and processed with the Joint Port Labor Relations Committee (JPLRC) under the grievance procedures in Section 17.4 of the PCLCA.”

Section 24.1 of the PCLCD states;

No provision or term of this Agreement may be amended, modified, changed, altered or waived except by a written       document executed by the parties hereto.”

Section 24.2 of the PCLCD states;

“All joint working and dispatching rules shall remain in effect unless changed pursuant to Section 15. All other restrictions on the employer or longshoremen that are in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement are null and void. There will be no unilateral “hip pocket” working or dispatching rules.”

Coast Arbitrator Sam Kagel on page 6 of Decision C-10-86 stated:

“Rule 6 on its face is, per se, discriminatory in view of the unambiguous language of Section 8.41” and, “Rule 6 in this case, is on its face in violation of Section 13. Section 13 is applicable to all provisions of the PCLCD;”

And on page 7 of C-10-86 found:

“The Coast Committee is directed to take joint action immediately for the purpose of eliminating that discrimination.”

Coast Arbitrator Sam Kagel on page 1 of his Decision C-11-86 noted:

“In Award C-10-86 dated August 25, 1986, Dispatch of Steady Crane Operators, the Parties to the PCLCD were directed to eliminate Rule 6 on page 246, and Rule 7 on page 241. The Parties have done so.”

Arbitrator Kagel then decided what rule should apply for the duration of the present PCLCD. He held:

“…it is concluded that the Rule that was in effect in the 1981-1984 PCLCD should be observed in the present PCLCD.”

Coast Arbitrator John Kagel in his Decision C-02-04 makes it clear that in order to claim conflict with the Agreement there must be a prima facie showing that the language in dispute conflicts with the PCLCD, and according to past practice have “coastwise significance.”

Decision C-02-04 is an Employer appeal of Award SCAA-0031-2003, which they lost, wherein the Union claimed, “compensation for winch operators should be equal to top-handler and crane operators listed in Section VII of the M.O.U. dated November 23, 2002.”

The Union wanted 10 hours for winch drivers based on the 1998 LA/LB JPLRC agreement that winch drivers would be equal in hours and skill pay to that of crane drivers, giving Winch Drivers 9 hours at 20% skill differential to; “bring consistency to crane operator pay, with all crane operators receiving nine hours per shift at the 20% skill differential.”

The Employers asserted that the 2002 MOU clearly defined the rates equipment operators are to be paid and, the 1998 JPLRC agreement from meeting No. 37A-98 was negated by the new MOU.

The Decision in C-02-04 states on page 6;

“Moreover, given the evidence before the Area Arbitrator provided here and his decision, his interpretation of the local agreement in question linking Winch Drivers to other designated equipment which is now paid Skill Level III is not inappropriate given how the language of that agreement was drafted in the minutes of the JLLRC Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor meeting 37A-98.”

The Union won, and the Employers were directed to pay winch drivers in LA/BA Harbors 10 hours at skill level III (30%), and to make whole all longshoremen who worked as winch drivers; “from November 23, 2002 as to skill III (30%) and from February 1, 2003, as to hours of pay.”

The Union won because of the documented JPLRC agreement.

In this case there is no documented JPLRC agreement and no CLRC agreement.

In this case the agreement to pay dayside steady crane drivers $55 per day, without reporting any hours, is a violation of Section 4.31, which states:

“Wages to be called Skill Rates shall be paid for types of work specified in Section 4.32”,

And the Addenda titled; Guarantees, Skilled Rates For All Longshoremen And Clerks which states:

“Employees shall be paid at the appropriate shift and skill rates of pay in accordance with Sections 2 and 4, PCL&CA, and the provisions herein.  Individual side agreements, including paid hours in excess of the PCL&CA, as defined by Area Arbitration SC-29-94, between individual employees or local Union Officials and individual member companies shall be considered a Contract violation.”

Award SC-29-94 says, Employers must pay according to the contract:

The question was, “Does the Employer have the right to enter into agreement with individual clerks to pay them the skill rate of 20% for 10% skilled classified work?”

The answer was, “The PCCCD is clear and unambiguous in regard to the job description of supervisors (Section 1.252) and the wages to be paid for the work performed in that job classification (Section 4.32).

 The issue in question is not negotiable, unless executed under Sections 24.1 and 24.2.”

However, according to C-02-04:

“…given the evidence before the Area Arbitrator provided here and his decision, his interpretation of the local agreement in question linking Winch Drivers to other designated equipment which is now paid Skill Level III is not inappropriate given how the language of that agreement was drafted in the minutes of the JLLRC Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor meeting 37A-98.”

Based on the fact that there is no JPLRC agreement to pay the day side steady crane drivers a daily bonus of $55, with no hours reported, the Employers are required to follow the agreement as written.

Therefore, paying the steady crane drivers the $55, with no hours associated, is a clear violation of Section 4.32 and pages 193-194 of the Addenda, and constitutes fraud against the benefit plans which rely on man-hour assessments.

In addition, the $55 payments are discriminatory in that Hall Crane Operators are disregarded when such payments are made to a select group of workers performing the same work functions, in the same category

No assessments being paid on the bonus crane hours has Coast wide significance as it relates to the low man out dispatch system, as well as qualifying for, and funding of, vacation, holiday, and medical benefits.

The Employers think because they have been getting away without paying assessments on the $55/day paid to steady dayside crane drivers, for the last 15 years, they can continue to get away with it.

The issue of assessments being paid is a CLRC matter, as evidenced by the minutes of CLRC meetings 2-03 and 2-04.

CLRC meeting #2-03, item 2, states;

“The Union raised concerns about the Union Negotiating Committee member’s not receiving proper credit for holiday, vacation and other benefits due to insufficient hours in payroll year 2002. The Union stated it would pay the portion of its assessments for pension and welfare eligibility as they have in the past. The Employers agreed to investigate this issue and stated these individuals would not be denied their vacation and holiday benefits in 2003 due to insufficient hours in 2002.”

CLRC meeting #2-04, item 2, Travel of Registered Longshoremen from Alaska to San Diego states;

“Subject to the condition that doing so will not result in ongoing obligation or withdrawal liabilities of any kind, the Committee agreed that a welfare assessment per man-hours worked will be made for the registered Alaska longshoremen, and the monies provided to the Alaska longshore welfare fund will be based on equivalent for welfare coverage in their home ports.”

I have provided the PMA payroll code used for the $55 bonus payments and according to Ray Pearson, no hours are reported for the payments.

I requested documentation showing that the assessments were paid on the $55 bonus payments, and based on the response from Victor Hudak, Local 13 Secretary/Treasurer, the Union is participating in the fraud.

Joint Records Clerk Ray Pearson told us that 1097 is the pay code used for paying the $55 bonus payments, and that no hours were being reported, but said he could not show us the payroll of the steady men receiving the daily bonus payments.

I believe the way the $55 bonus payments are being made is a very elaborate con designed to avoid paying assessments, to the tune of over 130 million dollars.

Additionally, the under the table payments are a blatant violation of the Master Contract and the Employers have knowingly committed discrimination.

The Employers need to stop the ongoing discrimination against me, and the rest of the hall men, and pay all crane drivers, dayside and night side, the $55 bonus, report the hours, and pay the assessments, including the assessments on all the payments made under the bonus program, since its inception.

The Employers also need to make whole all the Hall Crane Operators who have performed the work in the above described skill level, from the start of the $55 bonus payments to Steady Crane Operators.

The actions of the Employers constitute ongoing violations of Sections 4.31, 13.3, 18.1, 24.1, 24.2, and the Addenda: Guarantees, Skilled Rates for All Longshoremen and Clerks on page 193 of the PCLCD.

An injury to one is an injury to all.

The Employers are about to feel the power of one.

Chug, chug, chug…



PMA’s Steve Fresenius showed why he did not get promoted to Area Manager, he has no idea what he is doing.

The LA/LB JPLRC met yesterday, well Luke Hollingsworth, Mike Dimon and Steve Fresenius met yesterday, to beat down Child of Deceased, Jennifer Rilser (Rapid Fire’s daughter) and Eric, allegedly in accordance with the following language from the 2014 LOU Application of Section 13.

“Prior to scheduling a hearing under Section 17.4, the Joint Port Labor Relations Committee is directed to review a complaint to determine if it meets the above criteria. JPLRCs may dismiss complaints without holding a hearing only when it is clear on the face of the complaint that the criteria have not been met. Before dismissing complaints on their face, JPLRCs are encouraged to meet with grievants to give them the opportunity to cure the deficiencies in their complaints.”

Even though the Complaints are clear on the face of the complaint, that the criteria have been met, Luke and Mike decided to hold a meeting, but it was not to give them the opportunity to cure the deficiencies in their complaints, it was to harass and intimidate the grievants, before denying their complaints.

Luke and Mike did not even have copies of the complaints that they were trashing.

Jennifer was told the she should have appealed to the CLRC and her grievance was not properly before the JPLRC, but they did not tell her why she was denied.

If they would have read the Jennifer Risler – 13.3 complaint statement, they would know that he CLRC never gave her a reason her Permissive Rule request was denied, either verbally or in writing, and there is no appeal process for a Permissive Rule request.

Instead of trying to help the daughter of one of their deceased members cure the deficiencies in her complaint, Luke and Mike told her she should have appealed to the CLRC and were not the least bit interested in helping her.

Steve sat there and watched as Mike and Luke harassed and intimidated the daughter of a Local 94 foreman, and said nothing and did nothing to help Rapid Fire’s little girl.

Is it that PMA members do not give a shit about what is happening to the daughter of one of their foremen, or is it that Steve is a fucking asshole?

Luke, Mike and Steve were not asking questions to try and see if the criteria have been met for a valid grievance, they were trying to argue the merits of the case, and put words in the grievant’s mouth that they were planning to use to deny the complaint.

Then they tried to argue the merits of Eric’s Complaint against the Local 13 Grievance Committee for processing dispatch complaints, and fining members $5,000 for chiseling.

Mike Dimon kept saying the LMRDA says the Union has the right to discipline their members, like a broken record, but he did not produce a single piece of paper to back up his wild ass claim.

Steve was asked what he thought the language of Section 17.15 means?

Section 17.15 states: “The grievance procedure of this agreement shall be the exclusive remedy with respect to any disputes arising between the Union or any person working under this Agreement or both, on the one hand, and the Association or any employer acting under this Agreement or both, on the other hand, and no other remedies shall be utilized by any person with respect to any dispute involving this Agreement until the grievance procedure has been exhausted.”

Steve’s response was; “How am I supposed to discipline the Union Grievance Committee?”

Really Steveo?  Do you really not know what to do?

We can tell you: Tell the Union to knock it off and stop adjudicating contract grievances outside of the Section 17 grievance procedure of the PCLCD.

If the Union refuses, then call one of your 3 new Arbitrators and have them tell the Union to comply with the contract as written.

Not rocket science Steveo. How long have you been at PMA? You really don’t know?

Steveo, are your pants on fire?

Luke, Mike and Steveo have turned the ILWU’s crown jewel Section 13 Discrimination complaint procedure, into a pile of shit.

Luke and Mike have never done anything for the membership.

Luke and Mike don’t care that Eric is trying to help members, like the Supplemental Crane Board, or like members who are getting hammered with $5,000 fines for dispatch violations, or the daughter of a deceased member; they just want to fuck Eric.

Way to go assholes.

This is not over.



What is Julie Brady doing? Why is she being allowed to check out and pick her own replacement? What makes her so special?

Julie Brady has done it again. She quit her Chief Dispatcher job, and gave herself the DHA job, again.

Julie picked Melody “Melon” Ceaser to replace her as Chief Dispatcher, again.

Melody has never been elected as Dispatcher.. She has come in second on more than one occasion, but she has never been elected Dispatcher. She dispatches so often, some members thought she was elected.

Looks like the unwritten rule that you have to be a former Dispatcher to replace a Dispatcher, is more like a guideline than an actual rule.

Julie can do what ever she wants, because she has Secretary/Treasurer Victor Hudak’s permission to do what she is doing.

Which makes it Union policy, and to question a Union policy is anti-union.

Does Julie have a set of JPLRC Minutes showing PMA picking her as fill in DHA?

The DHA is a PMA pick, because PMA pays 100% of the DHA payroll.

The PMA has never picked a Dispatcher, or any other elected Union Officer, until Julie picked herself.

This shows that there is nothing so special about the DHA job that it cannot be an elected position, just like all the other Dispatcher jobs.

Julie and Victor are abusing their positions, for personal gain, by allowing the Dispatchers to pick their own replacements, so they can do it, and so Julie can pick the DHA job.

Julie has been doing the fill in DHA job for the last year. She was doing it before she was elected to Chief Dispatcher.

Julie wants to be the full time DHA, and she wants to be the Chief Dispatcher and cover the DHA job to make sure no one else gets it.

Greedy Julie is going to ruin the, pick your own replacement, gig all the Dispatchers have been enjoying, or all longshoremen going to be able to pick their own replacements?

Which do you think will happen?

How about starting with a sign-up sheet for longshoremen who want to fill in as replacement Dispatchers, now that Julie has proved that prior Dispatcher experience is not needed, even for the Chief Dispatcher’s job?



ILWU Election Magic: Leal 2,086 votes, Cam 1,856 votes. SHAZAM. Cam is the winner.

According to the Election results published in the Dispatcher September 2015 page 7, Leal won the election for Coast Committee. Dispatcher September 2015 page 6 is shown so you can see how each Local voted.

Dispatcher September 2015 page 6Dispatcher September 2015 page 7

However, according to the Dispatcher October 2015 page 2, Cam Williams was sworn in on October 5th and there is no corrections to the results printed in the September issue.

Dispatcher October 2015 page 2

What the fuck?

Did Big Bob just change the results because he felt like it?


Not to worry, with the help of a retired longshoreman friend, we were able to figure out what happened.

We found the 09-11-2015-International-Ballot-Committee-Preliminary-Report1 on Local 63’s website, which shows Leal at 1,645 votes and Cam at 2,075 votes.

Cam did win. Congratulations Cam.

The Election-Services-Ballot-Results2012 document from the ILWU’s website shows Leal at 2,086 votes and Roger Boespflug at 1,856 votes. The exact numbers reported in the September 2015 Dispatcher.

Just a simple mistake. They printed the 2012 numbers instead of the 2015 numbers.

Nice to know we are not the only ones who make mistakes.

Roger must be bummed. If he had not been screwed over by the Local 13 delegation at the Caucus, he would have won.

Just another day on the waterfront.

Chug, chug, chug…



Julie Brady, first female member of Local 13’s Good-Old-Boys club is taking work dodging to a whole new level.

12 hours of pay for her Chief Dispatcher’s job is not good enough for Julie, she decided to pick her own replacement so she could give herself 12 hours of pay for doing nothing. She dispatched herself to the DHA job.

Victor Hudak, work dodger, former Dispatcher, volunteer Sargent At Arms, and current Secretary/Treasurer in charge of all things related to Local 13 dispatch, has been planning this scam with Julie for the last year. When he was not Dispatcher, in order to avoid working off the floor, Victor filled in as Sargent At Arms as often as he could.

Both Victor and Julie are all star work dodgers who figured out a way to work as relief Dispatchers for the year they are not eligible to run, by allowing Dispatchers to pick their own replacements. Neither works off the floor anymore. Check their hours.

Now that Victor is in charge of the Dispatchers, he and Julie are going all in on their scam. Dispatchers are now allowed to pick their own replacements, and apparently the DHA’s replacement as well. Regular longshoremen do not get to pick their own replacements, but Dispatchers do?

Julie wants to be the next DHA (Dispatch Hall Administrator), the PMA picked dispatch hall employee who does nothing but push a button that updates the no-dispatch list, for 12 hours each day paid 100% by PMA. If she can make sure that no one else does that job, she will be the only one “qualified” and a shoe in for the next PMA pick.

Julie is a Caucus Delegate, a member of the International Executive Board, and now she is the Chief Dispatcher.

Julie Brady can do what ever she feels like, because she is large and in charge, and she has Victor Hudak to back her up.

All longshoremen are equal, but some like Julie and Victor are more equal.

Greed is going to rot the ILWU, from the top down, but don’t say anything because if you do it will mean you are anti-union.

Chug, chug, chug….



What excuse does Bobby O Jr. have for not moving into the brand new Local 13 Dispatch Hall?

PMA built Local 13 a brand new, state of the art, Dispatch Hall and it has been ready to go, and empty, for the last 8 months.

Local 13 Dispatch Hall-2

Local 13 Dispatch Hall

What possible reason could Bobby O Jr. have for not moving into the fancy new digs that PMA built for Local 13?

Does the PMA have so much money that they can spend millions to build a state of the art, fully air conditioned Dispatch Hall, then let it sit empty for the last 8 months?

Seems like the hook is hanging at the Hall.

What is PMA doing?

How about calling their new Arbitrator?

How about using the new Arbitrator to force the Union to use their fully air conditioned Dispatch Hall?

Is Bobby O waiting to use it in his next election campaign?

Vote for Bobby and he will get you into the new fully air conditioned Dispatch Hall?

Is this how Local 13’s Officers “protect the Union?”

Keep the members in the hot, sweaty, stinky, old Dispatch Hall with broken swamp coolers, until they elect Bobby again?

That must be what PMA wants; more Bobby O Jr. and his ball polishing buddy Mayor Garcetti.

