Con man, liar, and all around scum bag Bobby Olvera Jr. used his idiot followers John Seixas, Larry Toledo, and Local 13’s lawyers, to move all in against Eric at the Trial Committee hearing on January 19th. Part 1.

Bobby O actually brought in the Local 13 lawyers, used them to manipulate the Trial Committee members who had no idea of what was going on, and made his move to get rid of Eric.

Instead of just using the Committee to prevent Eric from running for elected office for the next 15 years like he did with the Greek, he used his “crew” to have Eric; “read out of the Union.”

Yeah, Bobby and the Trial Committee found Eric guilty then voted to kick him out of the Union, making him an involuntary Beck objector, and agreed to forbid him from passing out his fliers at the Hall.

Bobby and the Local 13 lawyers rewrote the Constitution and the Trial Committee procedures and voted to find Eric guilty, without waiting for the transcript of the Trail Committee hearing or the transcript of the Caucus meeting where his “letter” was dealt with by the Caucus.

No surprise, since Attorney of Facts, Seixus, passed out a document detailing a Trial Committee case of a guy who got expelled from the Union for 99 years (suspended), for payroll fraud, but he never gave the Trail Committee members the Trial Committee procedures until January 19th, the day of the hearing.

Normally Union Officers are not allowed to attend Trail Committee hearings, at least that’s what was said when Chris Viramontes was not allowed to attend Frank Ponce de Leon’s Grievance Committee hearing, because of their political influence.

Bobby not only sat in the room, he sat at the table and offered advice to the Chair.

Trial Committees are supposed to be made up of regular members, who have no bias.

All of Eric’s claims of bias were rejected, as well as Eric’s claim of double jeopardy, and Steve Lewis and John Seixus claimed the lawyers approved of what they were doing including the penalty.

No kidding, for $75,000 per month, the lawyers are going to say what ever the Union wants them to say.

Bobby allowed 1 member of the Executive Board and 1 member of the Grievance Committee on the Trial Committee, both of whom have tried to have Eric removed from his Executive Board position and/or voted to remove him from the Grievance Committee, but they are not biased?

Bobby can divulge the Unions strategy to the Mayor of LA, during negotiations, and nothing happens to him except Big Bob threatening him in a bar, but Eric puts out a flier to the membership and Bobby moves to have him kicked out of the Union?

Big Bob said he was going to get the 10th hour for the mechanics, until he talked to the Mayor and found out that Bobby was the leak and Bobby confirmed that he had divulged the Union’s strategy.

Big Bob’s response was a straight-up longshore response.  He said Bobby fucked up the 10th hour by bringing in the Mayor, and told Bobby “get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass.” He did not try to have him kicked out of the Union.

Bobby is using his “boys” (some of whom are girls) to try and get Eric kicked out of the Union, “because he is guilty of coming back from the Caucus and putting out a flier to the membership that ended up on the internet.”

Never mind the fact that the flier in question was put out before the Caucus?

This may sound crazy, but it is true and there is a transcript of the entire proceedings; the first transcript ever of a Trail Committee hearing.

This is just Part 1, of a series.

Chug, chug, chug…..



Despicable is the word to describe the Union Officials who go after a member, when the Employer says NO violation occured!

Local 13 has finally, after stalling for 3 years, produced the transcript from the December 18, 2012, Arbitration where Local 13 went after their own member, and used the Union Arbitrator to force PMA into putting him on non-dispatch.

Check out the insulting cover letter that Victor Hudak felt the need to send along with the transcript. Eric – Hudak letter sent with 12-18-12 transcript

Eric - Hudak letter sent with 12-18-12 transcript

Union Officers Chris Viramontes, Mark Williams, Bobby Olvera Jr., Mondo Porras, Julie Brady, Mark Mascola, were all behind Harry Dong when he called the Arbitrator to put one of his Union members on non-dispatch, over the objections of PMA.

Check out the letter PMA submitted at the hearing. Eric – PMA letter dated 11-21-12

Eric - PMA letter dated 11-21-12 Eric - PMA letter dated 11-21-12 1 Eric - PMA letter dated 11-21-12 2

Click on the hyperlink and read the transcript for yourself. Eric – Transcript of 12-18-12 non-implementation hearing

Eric has been trying for 3 years to get the transcript, so he can process the Section 13.3 grievance he filed 3 years ago.

Here is the letter Bobby sent to Eric in response to a letter that Eric sent to the CLRC. Bobby 11-24-15 letter

Bobby 11-24-15 letterBobby 11-24-15 letter 1

Bobby was not sent the Eric- 13.3 stalled procedure appeal of Carlos and Lee  letter dated November 19, 2015, but felt the need to send Eric this bullshit response, however he had no problem when Chris brought in Foreman’s President Danny Miranda to represent him, in violation of the 13.2 procedures.

What kind of Union Officials go after their own member, give him 2 years off, causing him and his family to lose their medical benefits, when the Employer says there is NO violation?

Despicable ones!

Their but for the grace of God, go I.

You could be next.

When does an injury to one is an injury to all kick in?

Time for the membership to step up, act like a Union, and make the member whole?



400 Years? Are Sergio and David going to roll on their partners, or did their partners roll on them?

According to the Department of Justice press release from December 8, 2015,  Two Members of Dockworkers Union Charged in Scheme that Bilked Health Care Plan by Fraudulently Bill.

Does anyone really think that only 2 longshoremen were involved in the Port Medical scam?

The picture in the paper announcing the opening of the Port Medical Clinic had 3 longshoremen, Sergio, David, and Chris Rice.

What happened to Chris Rice? Nothing?

What happened to Chris Viramontes?

Remember the $500 check that Chris had Port Medical issue to Josh’s Church on the Reservation?

Check authorized by Chris Viramontes

Eric does not know Sergio or David.

It was Chris Viramontes that called the bookkeeper and had her cut the check, to payback Eric, Josh, and New Change, for helping Mondo get elected Secretary/Treasurer, after meeting with him in a Torrence restaurant.

When Eric went to pick it up for Josh, who is to lazy to do anything for himself, he saw all the sports trophies from the teams sponsored by Port Medical, mentioned in the DOJ press release above.

Which makes me wonder; are Sergio and David going to run the risk of doing 400 years?

Are they going to roll on the rest of their partners, or did their partners already roll on them?

This is not over, it is just starting.

Chug, chug, chug…….



Elvis thinks he won, but his Company is out of business and the ILWU is strong as ever, and working every day.

According to JOC’s Peter T’s tweet: “The ILWU was invincible when I covered it as SF bureau chief in the mid-1990s. No longer, as rulings like this show:”

“Federal labor board affirms ruling against ILWU for coercion of Portland terminal,” makes great copy and sounds impressive, if you don’t know anything about the Maritime Industry.

ILWU coercion is nothing new, and Elvis’s Company is not the first to win a Court Case against the Union, but they may be the first to try and enforce their Award.

More than a few PMA member companies have won Court Cases against the ILWU, but none ever actually enforced them; they were smart enough to understand that they still had to do deal with the ILWU if they wanted to stay in business.

Take the Grain Company that won all sorts of Court Cases against Big Bob and the ILWU during their “negotiations,” the first item in the MOU was that all the Court Cases would be dropped.

Is Elvis going to figure it out, or is he going for the WIN that puts his Company out of business for good?

The ILWU is going to be fine either way, and just as invincible.



Harry Bridges is smiling today. His legacy of Equalization is still alive, and making a come back. Thanks to one Hall man.

Eric - 22 Shift 13.3 Complaint Eric - 22 Shift 13.3 Complaint 1 Eric - 22 Shift 13.3 Complaint 2

Heeeee’s Baaaaack.

Check out the latest Eric – 22 Shift 13.3 Complaint.

Why is it that at the Bulk Dock, when they work, there are 10 longshoremen and 9 of them are steady men, on both dayside and nightside? 20 jobs and only 2 go to the Hall!

Why do Gearmen only get ordered from the Hall, is when the lines on the dock need to be painted, or machines need to be fueled?

Why do the Linesmen just rotate among themselves, and send maybe 1 job to the Hall every 6 months?

Why do Sweepers only get ordered from the Hall, when someone goes on vacation, or someone gets injured?

The answer is; the 22 shift per calendar month, ordered by Coast Arbitrator Sam Kagel for all the Southern California Local Port Supplements, has been ignored by the steady men Union Officials in charge at Local 13, until last year.

Thanks to Arbitrator David Miller’s Decision SCAA-0001-2014, the door was opened to bring Equalization back to all steady categories covered by the Local Port Supplements.

This Section 13.3 Discrimination Complaint, is gong to bring the 22 shift per calendar month back and protect the Hall, because in case you have not noticed, the robots are coming, and when they get here you will be glad to have the jobs that are there because of Harry’s Equalization vision.

Equalization, the quid quo pro for allowing the Employers to have steady men, is going to save the Dispatch Hall, the soul of the ILWU.



Inside the Executive Board – A recap of the highlights of the last Local 13 Executive Board Meeting

E-Board Flier


Bobby O Jr. read a 3-page memo from San Francisco outlining the new casual selection procedure, but no one got copies, because it is still secret, just like all the other Bobby O Agreements like the Automation Agreement and the Local 13 Crane Training (aka Make Whole) Agreement.

Seems like new “interest” cards are about to be sent out. Then PMA and Local 13 will have their secret drawing where they will magically draw the names of all the Union Officer’s family and friends, including multiple members of some families; using their special secret procedure, just like they did in Tacoma.

Check out the Local 23 website, they are looking for members to sign up for the “Entry Level Process (lottery) committee.”

What is Local 13 doing? No one knows, it is secret.

Bobby finally admitted that there are no signed Local Dispatch rules, and he wants them to be signed before moving into the new Dispatch Hall.

Bobby tried to make it sound like he was going to hold the signing hostage, until PMA gives him something. If PMA wanted the minutes signed, they would have been signed years ago. PMA does not give a shit. It just shows how stupid Bobby is.

Meanwhile, Mondo, Luke and Catfish have agreed to arbitrate the 9.41 complaints. What 9.41 complaints? Are they complaints filed by the Union or the PMA? How do you bring in a guy for a violation he has no idea has occurred? Not one of the members being charged refused to accept an upgrade.

Is that what they are teaching you at your LA Technical College labor class? Probably not, which makes me wonder who is advising you morons?

The fallout from Bobby’s Make Whole Con has started, with Health/Benefits Officer, Jerry reporting that crane drivers are calling asking where their 2 hours are and, are they going toward the Pension Plan. Bobby’s answer of just saying, “add your hours and do the right thing,” is not going to make this go away.

Little Bobby and Big Bob created this mess when they tried to get around paying the assessments on their “make whole” crane payments. They can fix it by getting PMA to report the hours, and pay the assessments. No one is going to add hours that are not showing up on their pay check stubs. Just do the right thing, boys.

Mondo told the committee that he was representing a 3-time loser casual, who laid down in front of the dispatch window to protest her dissatisfaction with one of the complaints filed against her.

Mondo, Luke, and Catfish are going to make her case one of the first arbitrations before the new Arbitration Panel, which is interesting since they are refusing to process at least 11 Section 13.3 Discrimination complaints, filed by members.

Secretary/Treasurer Victor and Julie have apparently decided to blow off the membership action, which directed Chief Dispatcher Julie not to take the DHA job, while Mondo and the LRC Reps refuse to process the 13.3 Discrimination Complaint filed against her.

Rumor has it, a motion was made to make the DHA an elected position, but was ruled out of order by Bobby. Bobby and his crew keep saying that the DHA job is a PMA pick because they pay 100% of the payroll for the job. Who are they trying to kid, the DHA job has always been a Union pick, and every single pick worked the same way. The Union tells PMA who to pick, and PMA picks them. Then PMA pays 100% of the payroll as a Dispatch Hall expense.

The DHA job should be elected, just like all the other Joint Dispatch Hall positions.

When asked, Bobby said it was Executive Board action that sent 2 non-members, including Mondo’s ID mechanic kid, to Canada, to a “youth conference” whose focus was stopping the posting of “sensitive” Union information on the internet.

Right, the Union agreed to pay 2 non-members to go to Canada to represent Local 13. That is why Local 23 sent their President, Pirate Deano McGrath.

Are the non-member kids going to tell the Union how to shut down the internet? All of Bobby’s Facebook postings on the “private” ILWU group are just fine, but he thinks he can stop others from posting to their websites, even if they are not members.

They could have asked Deano, Local 23 just settled a NLRB Charge related to their internet posting rule, which was found to be unlawful. Local 23 posted a notice for 60 days saying they would not interfere with workers posting information on the internet, even “sensitive” Union information.

Have any of you casuals, who make over 800 hours per year ever considered a Section 13.3 Discrimination Complaint related to the fact that you earned benefits and the only reason you are being denied is your “activity for or against the Union, or lack thereof”?

If all the casuals were allowed to vote, like B-men who are also not members of the Union, do you think that would affect the ratification and therefore, the negotiation process? I do. There are more casuals than members.

In the meantime, casuals should ask the Union’s E-Board members what the new procedure is and when it is going to be implemented.

Information is power, get some.

Chug, chug, chug…..



It is official: Julie Brady has been appointed Chief Dispatcher and DHA; whenever she feels like it.

It seems that Victor Hudak and Julie Brady don’t care that Bobby O Jr. made a ruling that Julie, elected Chief Dispatcher, is not eligible to work as the DHA.

Bobby made a big deal about Julie checking out of her Chief Dispatcher job, told her to knock it off and told Victor to do his job; that Julie she was elected as Chief Dispatcher and she is not allowed to take any other job.

Last week, after Bobby’s ruling, Julie checked out of her Chief Dispatcher job and put herself in as DHA for 2 days.

According to Victor, Julie is the only one “trained” to do the DHA job, which is funny because the DHA job is a PMA pick, non-elected, 100% paid by PMA, Dispatch Hall job.

Right, Julie got the same training as all the previous DHAs.

Zero, nada, none, that’s the training Julie got.

Victor and Julie are both doing whatever they feel like; as usual.

Solidarity Local 13 style.

Oh, and do not say anything negative, or question their decisions, or ask to see anything in writing: that is anti-union.

Bobby, Mondo, Victor and Julie are turning the ILWU into a joke.

Who is running the show?

Julie dispatching

Not the rank and file; an interpretation was made at the last Union meeting, directing Julie to knock it off.

Victor told the E-Board that a complaint had been filed, but he went right back to doing what he was doing; because he knows that the complaint won’t be processed by Luke and Mondo.

What are Luke, Mike, and Mondo doing with all the discrimination complaints, including the one against Julie?

Chug, chug, chug…..



If you thought Representative Janice Hahn was sucking up to the ILWU because she wanted their votes, you would be wrong.

Janice Hahn sure looks chummy with the ILWU, having her picture taken in the Local 13 Dispatch Hall surrounded by her new Union buddies.

Janice Hahn at Local 13 Dispatch Hall

If you think Janice was there to get votes, you would be wrong, she was there to get her kid a job as a longshoreman, and she did.

Janice’s son just got hired as a longshore mechanic at the new “robot” dock at Long Beach Terminal.

Janice’s son had no certifications, none, but he has a friend in ILWU Local 13 President, Bobby Olvera Jr., who knows all about how to use your last name to get ahead on the waterfront.

What did Janice do for the ILWU to get Bobby O Jr. to get her son hired at a PMA company as a longshore mechanic?

What did Bobby O Jr. get for helping her son, who has zero certificates, get hired as a longshore mechanic?

Janice’s son is in good company.

Mondo Porras, and Big Bob also got their kid and grandchild hired a longshore mechanics, using the little known back door into the ILWU.

Just proves again; it is who you know, not what you know, that gets you ahead in life.

Chug, chug, chug….



Roger “The Dodger” Boespflug, Local 23 Labor Relations Representative, has taken Union brotherhood and representation to a new low.

In the Port of Tacoma, just getting a Union Complaint form requires telling the Local 23 Secretary why you want one.

Why in the world should any member have to explain to a secretary, the reason they want a Complaint form?

It is probably because they have a complaint, which is none of her business.

When the member does get a complaint form, and sends it to the JPLRC, this is the response they get form Local 23 Labor Relations Committee Representative, Roger “The Dodger” Boespflug.

Local 23 response

Local 23 response

Does Roger really think only members of Local 23 have the right to file a complaint against Local 23?

Does Roger really think a rule has to be used before it can be challenged?

Did Roger really think that the “guy from Local 13” was not going to file a complaint, when Local 23 passed a rule that takes away his seniority, along with everyone else; because they have not driven cranes in the Port of Tacoma?

Did Roger forget about the NLRB posting that was just in Local 23’s Dispatch Hall related to their Internet Posting Rule, which was ruled a violation even though no one was ever “harmed”, and the rule banning members on no-dispatch from working at the SIM yard?

Why is Roger writing all this before the JPLRC has even determined if the 13.3 Complaint is “properly brought”?

They call this Union Representation in Local 23.

With representatives like that, who needs enemies?

Congratulations Roger, you have taken Union Representation to a new low.

